Every Wednesday I post a handful of articles, blog posts, videos, columns, books or anything I find interesting and worth your time. Ranging from thought-provoking to funny to ridiculous, most are things I stumbled upon in the past week. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading along!
"Short Read" = 10 minutes or less. "Long Read" = 10 Minutes or longer.
#1 - Typically Hazardous Podcast - January - Hank Fortener (35 Minutes)
I've just started listening to the Typically Hazardous Podcast by Hank Fortener and it is fantastic. This particular episode focuses on the New Year and the new beginnings we have available to us every day. I found it inspiring and definitely worth the listen.
#2 - The Bravery in the N.B.A.'s Push Against Gun Violence (NewYorker.com - Short Read)
The NBA has come out with a campaign of video against Gun Violence. Given the controversial nature of gun violence that has dominated political discussions over the past months, it seems it is indeed a bold move. The article focuses on the NBA's focus of adding voices beyond the political realm to a real issue facing our country. While I do not believe that mere fame (like those featured in the campaign) warrants an authoritative voice, however, an organization with as much influence as the NBA, has the potential to be a unifying influence for many americans.
#3 - SNL Palin Endorsement - Video (5 Minutes)
Tina Fey was born to play Sarah Palin. That is all you need to know.
#4 - Want Millennials back in the Pews? Stop trying to make church 'cool.' - Washington Post (Short Read)
This article was written almost a year ago, but has been showing up in my social media feeds recently. Without a doubt, the Millennials continue to be somewhat of a mystery to our world, and this doesn't exclude being a mystery to the church. Evans critiques the current approach of the church to attract millennials by altering merely the ascetics of church...flashier programs, trendier musich, hipster coffee. Instead she calls the church to renew the ancient practices and sacraments that have been at the center of church life for thousands of years. "Our reasons for leaving," writes Evans, "have less to do with style and image and more to do with substantive questions about life, faith and community. We're not as shallow as you might think."
#5 - Does the Pro-Life Movement Need More Accountability? - Relevant Magazine (Short Read)
Written by Jesse Carey, an editor at Relevant, this article is a challenging read. He writes in response to two individuals who secretly recorded videos of Planned Parenthood employees who were indicted on criminal charges this week. Carey raises the age old question, do the 'ends justify the means?' Certainly we all have a stance on the issue of abortion, but in any ethical movement we have to be careful that our methods align with our ethic as a whole. Carey writes, "if the methods themselves violate the moral stand and integrity we are trying to uphold, than it may be time to reexamine them - and hold others accountable." A challenging article but worth reading and evaluating our own positions.