Whether consciously or unconsciously we all have a set of understandings about life, God, and the human experience. And these foundational beliefs surface in what we say and how we live. These beliefs about God and our relationship to him can be called a “theology" and therefore, we all are Theologians. 11th Century Philosopher and Theologian - Anselm of Canterbury - once famously prayed, “Lord, I am not trying to make my way to your height, for my understanding is in no way equal to that, but I do desire to understand a little of your truth which my heart already believes and loves. I do not seek to understand so that I may believe, but I believe so that I may understand.” Join us this Fall for a 10 week "Introduction to Theology" as we explore our faith seeking understanding. Over the course of the 10 weeks we will study and discuss the major doctrines of the Christian Faith together.