With the new year comes new goals and resolutions. One of my goals this year is to read 26 books, an average of one book every two weeks. My hope is to grow in knowledge and challenging my thinking by more reading and by reading a variety of authors. Below is the incomplete list of books, in no particular order. Take a look and let me know if you want to read any of them along with me or your brief review of books you've read.
- The Weight of Glory - CS Lewis (Already Finished)
- Divine Conspiracy - Dallas Willard
- Divine Conspiracy Continued - Dallas Willard
- Prayer - Tim Keller
- The Artisan Soul - Erwin McManus
- A Glimpse of Jesus - Brennan Manning
- The Meaning of Marriage - Tim Keller
- A Long Obedience in the Same Direction - Eugene Peterson
- The Sabbath - Abraham Joshua Heschel
- The Explicit Gospel - Matt Chandler
- To Live is Christ to Die is Gain - Matt Chandler
- Sabbath as Resistance - Walter Brueggemann
- Traveling Mercies - Anne Lamott
- Ruthless Trust - Brennan Manning
- Selling Water by the River - Shane Hipps
- Center Church - Tim Keller
- Parenting with Love and Logic - Foster Cline & Jim Fay
- A Brief History of Thought - Luc Ferry
- The Supremacy of God in Preaching - John Piper
- Between Two Worlds - John Stott
- Gospel Wakefulness - Jared Wilson
As you can see the list is not fully complete. I will be adding to the list as the year goes on. Let me know if you have any other suggestions.
Cheers to the New Year!