"...take every thought captive to obey Christ." - 2nd Corinthians 10:5
So often this is where the battle for the soul takes place, in my thought life. There is an intensity about Paul's diligent and intentional devotion toward Christ. Everything in Paul's life was an intentional step toward the will of God. Every thought, every action, and every impulse in Jesus' life was taken captive for the will of God. He did nothing out of thoughtless action. His life was so intertwined in the heart of God that Jesus could do nothing apart from God.
My life seems to be far more ruled by impulse than intentional captivity. And our impulses lead us away from the presence of God. Whether it is our impulse to believe the lies about us, or our impulse to follow our diseased heart, we are far too easily strayed.
But, it goes further than that. We don't just entertain our impulses immediately jump into action, to fulfill them, to allow them to direct our lives. Impulse rules the day, and my life is lived in a constant random array of activity toward whatever end my heart sees fit. All of it under the guise of "following my heart." But we all too quickly forget that our hearts are broken and weak. Our hearts are in need of renovation, in need of the Spirit's work to shape them more and more into Christ's heart.
A life of obedience is really a life of beautiful captivity. It is a life marked by intentionality toward the will of God. There is freedom in taking thoughts captive and making them obey Christ. There is joy in obedience, abundant joy. As Paul states in his letter to the Romans, "be transformed by the renewal of your mind." And only through this kind of renewal will we experience Christ in new ways.
Lord, renovate my thought life. Open my heart to the things of you, remind me of the promises you've made toward me. Help me to take my thoughts captive and close my ears to the lies I hear and believe. Help me to live from a place of intentionality, and not out of impulse.