Every Wednesday I post a handful of articles, blog posts, videos, columns, books or anything I find interesting and worth your time. Ranging from thought-provoking to funny to ridiculous, most are things I stumbled upon in the past week. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading along!
"Short Read" = 10 minutes or less. "Long Read" = 10 Minutes or longer.
#1 - How I learned to Forgive my Brother's Murderers - Aziz Abu Sarah - ideas.ted.com (Short Read)
The devastation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is staggering, and tensions remain heightened, with no meaningful peace agreement on the horizon. This article by Aziz Abu Sarah, details his journey toward forgiveness over against hatred in light of his brother's murder. It is a powerful look at the impact forgiveness can have in peacemaking. It is impossible for me to wrap my mind around the brokenness in this conflict and to imagine my response to the murder of a loved one, but Sarah challenges us all to look beyond hate. He writes, "My journey to forgiveness began by being willing to take a first step out of my comfort zone. I forced myself to stay with this discomfort." A fascinating read, that challenges how we respond to those we consider enemies.
#2 - Separate and Still Unequal - Janie Boschma - The Atlantic (Short Read)
One of the issues that I continue to read about and find troubling is the systemic segregation across the country. Janie Boschma, writing for The Atlantic, writes a brief article detailing the connection between economic segregation within our educational system. It is a devastating reality that only perpetuates cycles of poverty and brokenness.
#3 - The Initiating Love of God - Latest Sermon (42 Minutes)
Rescue. Redemption. Liberation. Re-Creation. This is the story we see over and over throughout the scriptures, it is the story of a God who initiates love on our behalf. Here is a sermon I preached the past two weeks at two different churches that examines the importance and revolutionary love of God.
#4 - Why Walking is the Ideal Speed to See the World - Dan Kedmey - ideas.ted.com (Short Read)
In a world that is built around and speed and efficiency, I am always intrigued by those who seem to walk through life at a slower pace. One of biggest differences I have noticed since moving to the Bay Area from Napa, is the pace of life. In this article, Dan Kedmey highlights the story of Sarah Marquis, who is an "Extreme Hiker." It is a fascinating reflection on what we lose in the fast pace of life, and an inspiring challenge to notice the world around us more.
#5 - Bob Dylan's Secret Archive - Ben Sisario - NYTimes.com (Long Read)
For those who are a fan of Dylan, like myself, you'll find this article fascinating. Three notebooks of Dylan's have been released with pages upon pages of notes revealing an inside look into the creative process of a great american songwriter. The notebooks are filled with the evolution of many of his works and drafts of well known and lesser known songs. The article mentions that there were over 40 pages of re-writes for individual songs. The commitment, passion, and rigorous attention to detail is an inspiring look into his creative process.