My Dad always said...

"Wherever you are, there you'll be." 

For too many years I ignored my dad's words and lived accidentally. This is my attempt at living intentionally...

This blog is designed to be a place where I practice thinking and living, a place where my thoughts go primarily unedited, and I try to experience life in a new way. Welcome to the journey.


I am a writer, speaker, and storyteller who believes in the power of words. I use words, both written and spoken, to inspire people to live better stories. Words empower, encourage, challenge, and draw us into life changing narratives. I am a millennial who believes in local communities of faith to partner with God in the restoration of all things. I believe in the in-breaking kingdom of God bursting forth in this world all around us. And I would love to talk with you and dream of ways we can partner together on projects to inspire people toward the love of God. You can contact me here to get the conversation started.

My wife's name is Lindsey Sneed and we have lived in the beautiful Bay Area since 2016. In June of 2011 I fell in love with another girl as we welcomed our daughter Madison into the world. In 2016 my heart expanded once more as we welcomed our second daughter Adley Mae into our family.

Currently, I am a grad student at Fuller Theological Seminary pursuing a Master's of Theology with an emphasis in Ethics. In my free time I enjoy reading & writing but tend to not find enough time in the day.

I would love to have you subscribe to my blog. I usually post once a week on the weekends. But will occasionally post more frequently.

Connect with me further twitterfacebook, and instagram.